Affordable Online Graphic Design Degree
about the benefits of graphic design education in college or university etc
a lot of people are wondering okay so besides learning the graphic design skills
and Before we jump through the content if you’ve yet to subscribe to this channel
I highly recommend doing so but our daily videos help you pack a punch and build
an audience and today specifically talking about graphic design and if there’s
other things mentioned in this video you can learn the Adobe Creative Cloud Photoshop InDesign illustrator learning and graphic design
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fundamentals are there any exterior or ulterior benefits to that degree you know is it worth
the 30 to 40 thousand dollars that you’re gonna invest in order to become a graphic designer
a bachelor’s in graphic design so really the answer is yes because it helps you see problems
from multiple angles and I say this in the fact of if you’re willing to invest yourself if you’re willing
to go all-in in your graphic design education now if you’re just going to college to like party and have a good time
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and maybe you know learn a few design skills along
the way don’t waste your money don’t go you’re gonna
learn Photoshop and design an illustrator and that’ll be all fun but you’re not gonna get
the depth and the brevity of the graphic design degree if you don’t focus in on learning
those key fundamentals those key principles and then realizing you can apply those to other experiences and another job
in your life so if you’re a masterful problem solver you’re gonna be able
to go into business situations and help them develop strategies and plans you’re
gonna be able to go into marketing into advertising you’re gonna have this strong
business sense because you understand solving problems now if you want to really dive
in and go deeper with that business sense I recommend going in for a minor in marketing
and advertising in business management that way you complement those graphic design
problem-solving skills with some strong business understanding because there’s
a lot of things in business especially in today’s world of entrepreneurship that
You need to know Affordable Online Graphic Design Degree that way you don’t make
mistakes with your vision what I mean by that is so you really
awesome problem-solving idea but it doesn’t match some
of the fundamentals of business and some of the important concepts
then you’re gonna mess up so if you complement your graphic design degree
with a minor, in marketing advertising business management etc. you’re gonna maximize tenability for that degree to give you
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great opportunities yes there are ulterior benefits to a graphic design degree
in college especially if you’re somebody who needs structure and means timelines needs goals
to get the degree that you’re looking to aim for now if you’re somebody who’s very self-motivated a
a lot of the skills can be learned online a lot of them can be learned through online courses through YouTube videos
and things along those lines if you’re really looking to get a deep immersion a graphic design degree is fantastic I have my bachelor’s and my master’s
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Affordable Online Graphic Design Degree
degree in graphic design and they have been extremely beneficial
to me through the years in my graphic design career so that’s just a little bit
of perspective on the benefits of a graphic design degree just outside of the core you
know learning Photoshop Illustrator and InDesign if you have any questions or you want
to invest in this comment below and give your insights tell me a little bit about what you think
about a graphic design degree if there are benefits to it etc. I want
to hear people from the field talking back on their experiences and just giving us
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all some insight and some help especially for those who want
to become graphic designers and are interested in a degree in graphic design
also if you are curious about the best gear or tech to become a graphic designer
I have made some articles and you can check those out on the my website if your
graphic design student trying fair okay what do I need to get going those videos
will help you out if you’ve yet to subscribe to our newsletter highly recommend doing so
we can send you any new articles to help you pack a punch and build
an audience specifically today talking about graphic design
see you here on the next articles